Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Patriotic Moss

When it comes to baseball, the Twins overtook my top spot, jumping over the San Francisco Giants and the Boston Red Sox. However, the same is not true of the Vikings. On my list, they rest at third, just after the San Francisco 49ers and the New England Patriots, respectively. Why this is, I'm not entirely sure. But alas.

That being said, my #2 football team, the Patriots, just traded for former Viking Randy Moss. The Patriots are one of the last teams I would have ever expecting Moss to wind up on. I don't know why. Maybe it's that the personalities of the player and the team just don't seem to match up. But you never know, I hope he does well there, and connects often with Tom Brady.

Anywho, I posted my resume on Monster yesterday. What a crazy thought. In the somewhat near future, I may be contacting a recruiter to help me out as well. We'll see what happens.


Mac Man said...

Well, glad to hear we've converted you in one sport. I now take it upon myself to convert you in football as well. We start with the Vikings, and then we'll move on to the Gophers.

Yes, I was surprised by the Moss acquisition as well. And for just a 4th round pick! I say that's worth it!

Good luck with Monster. Let me know if your new job requires a move to Kenya or something... ;-)

Gina Cooper said...

Why are the 49ers your favorite? I've never understood that.
My hope is that you'll find a job requiring you to move to Columbus!!!

Mac Man said...

All I know is that if the Vikings don't win the SuperBowl, I hope it's the 49er's, simply because then Cooper can finally complete his long-standing promise to not shower until they win it all. It's getting pretty smelly around here!

Greg said...

I love the Vikings, and am impartial for most of the rest of the league.

As for Moss, I don't really care where he goes, as long as it's not in Minnesota. He is (was) talented, but I could never get past his attitude. I was glad to see him leave. And I think the fact that he was only traded for a 4th round pick says that he's not the player he used to be.

Janet said...

I am a Broncos fan, through and through. But I suppose the Vikings are the second best team. I also tend to cheer against two teams... The Packers... And the Patriots :P

A. Bauer said...

Two words:

Go Colts!

Joel said...

I do like the Colts as well, and was happy to see Manning and Dungy get their well-deserved rings.

I enjoy Gopher football, but the Buckeyes of *THE* Ohio State University will always be #1 in my book. Go Bucks! Even if they lose every championship game to Florida, they're still my team. :)

I thought I was going to get beat up when my friends (including Mr. Mac Man) were attending the University of Minnesota, and we went to a football game where the Gophers played (and lost to) Ohio State. Ah, that was a good day. :)

*runs for cover*