Friday, May 04, 2007

Stuff, Things, and Diapers

Well, uhh, hmmm.... let's see here. Someone is my family is pregnant. *Gasp* (And no, it's not my wife.) :) It is my sister-in-law Gina (my brother's wife), and this will be their second child. Yay! The baby's due date is currently January 1st! Crazy stuff. This will be my 9th niece or nephew.

Yesterday I came up with what I think is a good idea for some rules changes for Reclamation. Two separate rules changes that I think are pretty original (hopefully) and will remove all need for tokens from game play, and will add a couple new interesting aspects to the game. At least I think. It's possible the changes are silly and bad, but we will see. :)

Also, I have thought about changing the background design on the cards. Here are 8 different
backgrounds for the Hell cards, including the one I've already used. Some of them are rather similar to each other. If you're really bored, and could vote for which one you think is best (or which 2 or 3 or 4 you think are best), then that would be cool. :) I am no expert graphic designer of course, but that's okay. It'll do.


Mac Man said...

My favorite back right now is back7.jpg. I do kind of like the textured look of the others (back4.jpg for instance), but the text is a little harder to read with those. I suppose you could either make some of the text and icons bigger, or maybe even not include the texture inside the main game text box. That area could be a simple color or gradient.

Wow, I make one small comment about the tokens and you eliminate all of them? I have the power! :-) Let me know when you've added force draining, okay? :-)

Congrats on the new nephew/niece to be. I will officially be an uncle for the first time in 364 days.

Joel said...

PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER.... Itty bitty living space.

I had been looking for a way to at least use less tokens, but now they're all gone. Whooahh.

I had been liking back7.jpg the most myself also. Being a Hell card, it kind of fits, almost looking like fire coming from below, sorta. Or something to that effect. :)

A. Bauer said...

I agree with favorite is back7.jpg but I also like it's reflection (back6.jpg)

The textured ones are a little hard to read. The greyish ones would be cool if the grey was closer to black. And back9.jpg looks cool, but it's hard to make anything out of the design.

I feel really critical today, so I apologize for being so critical.

Gina Cooper said...

I have no idea which one is back7.jpg. I didn't pay that much attention. I like the third one. I didn't like the first one, the texture made the words somewhat difficult to read. The third one kind of looks like fire. It has my vote!

Dave said...

I agree with the above votes, I like back7. The textured ones are hard to read, and I like the black at the top rather than the other way around. And you really can't go with the green, its not evil enough for Hell. :)

Once we actually are in the same proximity as each other again you need to have the cards ready so we can play, it sounds fun.

DVK said...

I like the bottom 2. Hell cards should be darker.