Thursday, May 10, 2007

New Job Title: Dragon Slayer

Well, I have the potential of having two phone interviews today for other jobs. Holy cow. I am working from home, as I don't want to be doing these type of calls from work. One of them is for the position mentioned in a previous blog entry. The other is for a position that I currently have more interest in, as that one is for a database developer position and would have a little less "phone work" than the other job. That being said, I don't know anything about the salary for the second job as of yet. So we'll see how this goes.

For Reclamation, if I kept making new sets (after I get the rules all squared away), eventually I would create a set called Revelation, would be a cool set (I think). I decided to go ahead and make a card from that set, though you'll notice the game text is fake, as I have no idea what it actually will be. But I wanted to make it anyway. :) Cause, yeah, you know. I'm a big dork.


Mac Man said...

Yeah for dorkness! Good luck with the interviews.

DVK said...

As Tim said: good luck!

Also: where did you get the pic for your card? It looks like some Medieval or early Renaissance art? Using Medieval art (predominantly Christian anyway) and/or Renaissance art for the pics could be really cool! (just a thought)