Monday, December 13, 2010

Eighty K

I have completed another round of edits on The Second Shadow. Only a few weeks ago, the book sat around 74,000 words. Now I have added a small section from The Anarchist Chronicles (see previous entry) to the start of each of the 31 chapters, and I have added a short (2 page) epilogue, that would sort of set up something that happens in the next book. The book now sits at 80,031 words, which I find to be pretty neat, and I think it is a sufficient length. If anyone will be reading (or re-reading) the book in the near future, I can send them the updated version.

In other news, I have been chosen to be the AC (adult coordinator) at the upcoming TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) weekend. It is exciting and yet a little scary, and will be a good step out of my comfort zone. But stepping out of my comfort zone is something I have been trying to do more of lately, so I am hoping it will be good for me.