Saturday, May 12, 2007

Possibilities of Occupational Alterations

On Friday, I had two phone interviews. Here's a quick summary of them.

At 2:00, I talked to Lisa from G&K Services. This job does sound interesting, and would deal with database reporting using SQL Server and Microsoft Access. However, as much as 40% of the job would be phone work, kind of like help desk for people within the company. It would be a decent hike in salary, but I don't know about all that phone work.

At 4:00, I talked to Chris and David from WoftNet. The interview seemed to go quite well, and I am rather interested in the job. The company deals in real estate listings. There would be similarities between this and my current job. The work environment is casual and laid back. And....... I have an actual interview scheduled! This Tuesday, the 15th. I am rather looking forward to it. They even said I could dress casually for the interview. So I will definitely have to post about how I think it went afterwards. I don't know anything about salary information for this job yet, but that's okay. The job is in Minneapolis, and is about 13 miles from our apartment.

So we'll see how things go. Whooahh!


Mac Man said...

Good luck with the interview tomorrow. My best advice? Pretend you're Kira. How could they not offer a job to a cute, lovable, smiling 9 month old? I would, however, leave the diapers at home.

Seriously though, good luck, and I'll see you tonight at bible study!

Joel said...


Hmmmm..... pretending I'm Kira could either get me the job due to excessive cuteness, or get me thrown in a psychiatric ward for symptoms of dimensia. Either way, it should be a fun time.

That being said, if I pretend that I'm 9 months old, I may have trouble convincing them that I have 2 years of database experience. But maybe they're not bright enough to figure that out. :)

Mac Man said...

Simple answer to the age vs experience problem: Osmosis