Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Too Much Pain

First, I've tried to redesign the backs for both the Heaven and the Neutral cards. I'm not completely sure about them yet, but I'll put them up here anyway and you can tell me if you think they look silly. :)

One thought I've had is that a player could end up getting a lot of characters out. This is itself is not bad, but if their opponent gets hit hard in a battle and gets wiped out, it makes it hard for them to come back if their opponent's army is completely stocked up and they have nothing. While this is somewhat part of the game, I may end up limiting the number of characters each player can play to 12 (limit the character grid to 4 columns by 3 rows). This may also reduce the number of wound cards necessary, should I decide to take that route with the wounds.

I hadn't really even thought about the number of wound cards that may be necessary. Considering all wound cards for both your armies (as many as 24 characters at once) will come from the same deck, that could end up being a lot of cards on the table as wound cards. Here's a couple thoughts I had on this.

1. Add a rule that allows a player to reduce his or her damages in a battle by discarding cards from hand. This will add to the strategy of what cards to play and what cards to keep in your hand. Possibly make this rule that you can discard a card from hand to reduce your damages by 2, thus increasing the value of cards in your hand.

2. Add a rule that allows a player to kill off one of their characters for their full health value, without any wound cards being placed. Also, if a character is going to be killed by a wound, no wound card would need to be placed for that card.

Maybe those things would help. And there would quite possibly be card combinations that allow for cards to be cheaper from hand, and there is healing. :) Healing is done easiest through angels and animal sacrifices.

I'm not completely sure yet on the cards vs. tokens thought, but I really think that both the new uses for cards (as cost and wounds) are pretty neat and interesting ideas. Let me know what you think, if you think anything! :)


Mac Man said...

I suggest a strategy that causes the player that currently has the advantage (more characters out or something), to automatically be put at a disadvantage. This way, no matter what happens during the game, no matter how good or bad you are, it always comes down to random luck in the last 5 seconds of the game.

Kind of like Young Jedi... :-)

Joel said...

I did think about that actually, a disadvantage for the players who are somehow ahead, by having more characters and/or controling more battlefields. There will at least be cards that become more powerful for a player when they are behind or have less characters.

Ah, Young Jedi. The good ole days. :)