Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Anyone's Guess

Well, I had my interview yesterday at WolfNet. It seemed to go pretty good, as far as I can tell. They said that it would be another couple weeks before they started making hiring decisions. Evidently, they are hiring 6 people for their database department. However, they won't all be at the same time, but maybe spread out over a few months. So even if they do not offer me a job in a couple weeks, it is possible that they would hire me a month or two later. That all being said, I have no idea what's going to happen. After my interview at FLS (my current job), I was about 95% sure that I got the job. Here, I'm not leaning either way. So'll we'll just see what happens. It's all up to God now.

Tonight is our third softball game. Quick recap: We lost the first week 8-7, and I went 0-4 at the plate. The second week, we won 5-4 (I believe), and I went 3-3 at the plate with 2 RBIs. So, after extensive scientific research and testing, I have developed the theory that our team's success is directly related to my success at the plate. (Not really, I wouldn't want all that pressure). :) Anywho, tonight should be fun.

*Music comes out of nowhere*

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Mac Man, Happy Birthday to You!

*Music fades*

So yeah, he's really old now. Anywho, I am about 95% sure that I saw this car the other day a little outside of St. Paul - a Lotus Esprit. Unfortunately, it's not in the budget. What's with that? My wife probably won't let me drop $100,000+ on a car. Some people are just so mean.


Mac Man said...

Well, color me Boba! My birthday made it on your blob! Yes, I'll admit that I'm much older and much more experienced at everything than you, my dear child. Someday, I may pass some of my grand wisdom on to you. It's too bad your birthday is still approximately 397,800,000,000,000,000 picoseconds away (unfortunately it took me about 5,000,000,000,000 picoseconds to write this sentence). I'd tell you how many femtoseconds and attoseconds were left, but that'd be just plain silly.

Janet said...

What's a blob?

Happy Birthday :)

Joel said...

I was wondering the same thing myself!

But no worries, if I had a blob, your birthday would make it on there too. :)

Mac Man said...

Blob == Blog involving Boba? :-)

Or maybe just a smear of peanut butter on the keyboard...

DVK said...

There are actually quite a few Lotus' around town. I've seen a red one, a yellow one, and a black one. I've seen the black one so many times I wonder if there are two floating around. Nice cars...

Tim: 3 points for using picoseconds in a semi-legitimate sentence.