Monday, August 20, 2007

Math is Fun

Ah, Mondays.

While it is commonly discouraged for people to publicly announce their salary, I am going to make an exception. Well, sort of. In order to determine my new job's annual salary, all you must do is solve this simple equation for X (the salary). Didn't you all take algebra? Easy peasy. (Round when dividing!)

I, of course, don't expect anyone to actually do this, I was just bored for a little bit and threw this together, and for some unknown reason decided to post it here. That being said, anyone who gets the right number wins the "I Know Way Too Much About Cooper" award.

(((A * B * C * D) / E) * F * G - (H * I) + J - (K * L * M * N * O * P) + Q - R + (S * T)) * U

A = My ending hourly salary at McDonald's (after 3 1/2 years)
B = Number of pounds I lost during 2005
C = My height in inches
D = Number of speeding tickets
E = Number of times I have been pulled over for speeding
F = Number of siblings
G = Number of those siblings who are married
H = The total age of my immediate family (including myself)
I = Number of total people in my immediate family
J = My favorite number
K = Number of total countries I have been in
L = Number of states I have lived in
M = Number of online role-playing games I play
N = Number of total "girlfriends" I have had in my life
O = Number of time zones I have lived in
P = Number of paper-route jobs in Minnesota
Q = Pounds at birth (round down)
R = Number of legs that are not prosthetics
S = Number of cavities in life
T = Number of broken bones in life
U = Number of colleges I have attended

I promise there will be a more useful and interesting blog entries in the future. :)


Mac Man said...

I think I was doing well until the question about immediate family. According to Webster's New Millennium Dictionary of English, immediate family is considered:

"one's parents, step-parents, siblings, spouse, children, step-children, foster children, in-laws, sibling in-laws, grandparents, great grandparents, step-great grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews"

Futhermore, the definition of in-law is:

"a person related to one by marriage eg one's brother-in-law, mother-in-law etc"

Now, from this post, no one can doubt your ability to spend a lot of time on something, but I have a feeling you really don't know all of the ages of everyone that the dictionary considers to be immediate family.

So, what definiation are you using?

Joel said...

Hehe, I knew I should have had less geeky friends. :)

That being said, immediate family would mean siblings and parents, myself included. ;)

Mac Man said...

You didn't even count your woman? I hope she doesn't read this blog... ;-)

Mac Man said...

When I guessed on your definition of immediate family, I included Lady Megan. I'll have to take her back out of the equation.

Mac Man said...

You're salary just went up!

Mac Man said...

Correction, "your" salary just went up. Where did that contraction come from, anyway?

Mac Man said...

I suppose it's inappropriate to write the results of my calculation here, so I may have to post it with my own formula... ;-)

DVK said...

I get $12.50, is that right? :-P

I know more of those variables than I should - but not enough for a valid calculation.

I think you got lazy and copped out before getting to 'Z'.... ;-)

Gina Cooper said...

WOW!!! I calculated a 118,032 salary for you. Sign me up!

Joel said...

Gina got it perfect!

(Just kidding...) I wish she had though. :)

A. Bauer said...

I took into account a 40-hour work week, 5 days a week for 52 weeks to get an hourly wage of $0.32

You never said this new place was a sweatshop....

Joel said...

I always forget some mundane detail.

The sweatshop really provides the laid-back casual type work atmosphere I've been looking for. Sure, the pay isn't that impressive, but the job is still as rewarding as I could ever ask for.
