Friday, August 17, 2007

Cole Norman

So, I (for the next couple weeks) work at a political telemarketing company. They make fundraising calls for the Republican party and its candidates, along with other types of calling. Anyway, the QA (quality assurance) department is located in the same room I am, and they constantly listen to calls that people make, to make sure the telemarketers are making their calls correctly - following the policies my company has put in place for them.

Anyway, they often play recordings of these calls on their speakers, and I can hear them. While this is rather annoying sometimes, especially when I am trying to concentrate on programming or something else, there are times when it is rather amusing. Sometimes the people they are calling respond rather angrily.

This particular call contained no anger, but was rather amusing. For those who don't know, Norm Coleman is a Republican Senator from Minnesota, and we were doing a fundraising call for him. It went something like this....

"Hi, I'm calling for Senator Cole Norman--"
"Senator Cole Norman."
"You mean Norm Coleman?"
"Right, Cole Norman."
"I think it's Norm Coleman."
"Well, whoever it is, would you be interested in supporting him financially?"
"Well, I'm a democrat."
"You are?"
"You like democrats?"
"Well, would you still be interested in supporting Senator Norman?"
"Okay, bye."

There were so many things wrong with this call. That being said, the QA people were suspicious that he may have been framed (someone may have given him the wrong name on purpose). Who knows.

Anyway, here comes the weekend!


DVK said...

They were both wrong; his name is Phil!

(Woot! 1st post!)

Mac Man said...

With calls like that, why would you ever want to leave? Hilarious!