Friday, July 13, 2007

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Joy is almost upon me. Tomorrow, my wife and I travel to Azkaban - I mean, Rochester - to visit a couple friends and see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Both my wife and I are rather stoked. I am especially excited, because this is the first time I will have read the book before seeing the movie. I will have to report on it later. :)

For your daily dose of Reclamation (and at the request of the Man of Mac), you may (if you so desire) download a printable PDF file of the Genesis set. It is zipped up and about 416K. There are no images, though, so it's not as pretty, but should do for reading, deck making, and play testing. (Let me know of any changes that should be made to the printout.) The printout is an Microsoft Access form exported to Adobe Acrobat, so any changes should be quick and easy. This picture is a template of the printout, so you can tell what is what (since nothing is actually labeled on the printout).

TISCSOTD: Tim is so cool, that I an getting cold just trying to think of more TISCSOTDs.


Mac Man said...

Zipping the file saved 4% disk space. Just thought you'd like to know... ;-)

Enjoy the movie. Who are you going with? The Beasts? Janet? Strange Alien Men?

Joel said...

Yeah, hehe, but I figured I'd upload the zip anyway. :) We're going with the Beasts. It should be good fun.

Mac Man said...

Here's a quick question for you...

Would it be possible in the Microsoft Access Form to place a small label next to each box to indicate what it is?

The name box is pretty obvious, but I'm going to have a hard time remembering which 6 or so boxes with numbers on the right mean what. Even if the label was just a 1 or 2 characters, it would help.

Looks like you have room to make the game text box narrower to fit this in. Same with some of the other text boxes that are long as well.

Joel said...

I'll try to play around with that. Let me know of any typos you see, or text that doesn't make sense, or cards that seem overpowered (or underpowered), or things that are just silly. :)

Mac Man said...

I'm not telling you what's overpowered until after I use it to cause your complete annihilation in a real game... ;-)

Mac Man said...

Oh, almost forgot, are the updated rules posted somewhere? If not, could you do that? That might help...

Joel said...

Good call. Link below:

Updated Rules

Has both old battle rules and possible new battle rules, let me know what you think. :)