Thursday, July 26, 2007

Harry Potter and Order for Burritos

Not all too exciting of a week here so far. :) My wife is meeting me for lunch today, we'll probably just go to Subway or something like that, which is perfectly fine with me. Tomorrow, my company is ordering in Chipotle for us. Mmmm.... Makes me hungry already.

I applied for two more jobs today. As always, who knows if anything will come from them. But I can always hope. :)

As reported in the Mac Man Minutes, we lost our softball game yesterday, though we were winning most of the game. I walked my first time at bat, then hit a silly pop up in the infield. I had one of the better hits of my softball career after that though, getting a triple out of it. Good stuff.

I need to get myself to relax more when I play sports, especially softball. When I get up to bat, I often overthink things, or get too anxious, or something, and don't hit the ball like I should. When we've had softball practices in the past, I've almost always played better than I do in games. It's weird. My brain is goofy.

We have a card day upcoming on Saturday (unfortunately, with no Tim). I always like card days. I am planning on working on my decks on Friday night, and will be prepared (in theory).

As, of course, you all know, the seventh Harry Potter book was released last Saturday. I managed to get lots of reading time on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and got through chapter 27 (there are 36 chapters in the book), but haven't been able to touch in over the last two days. However, I will be able to read some tonight and tomorrow night, and can hopefully finish the book over the next 2 days. That's my goal anyway. Then all the questions can be answered, and I can freely surf around on Harry Potter websites and not be scared that I'm going to run into some spoiler information and give away a part of the book I haven't gotten to yet.

Of course, I knew some of the "big secrets" from the fifth and sixth books before reading them, and I still enjoyed them. Oh well.


Mac Man said...

Card day...No Mac Man...Sad...

Enjoy the burrito tomorrow. We're having a picnic at work to send off our two interns since it's their last day. Should be good stuff.

Then it's off to paint, paint, paint. If I remember correctly, we've got 13 gallons of primer and paint, and we aren't even touching the downstairs rooms. Going to be a lot of work...

Cheryl said...

Somewhere I read that you are getting a new computer soon. My new one has Vista. I like is OK, and don't notice anything slower, but it is also a better computer in other ways.
David knows more about Vista, I'm sure, and Erik and Gina have a laptop with Vista too.

love, mom

Janet said...

You have to finish! It's like the best book ever :)

Mac Man said...

Better than the Boxcar Children? ;-)

Erik said...

Did you get to the part of the book where Harry is really a cyborg who got stranded while on a space flight to Mars? Oops I probably was not supposed to spoil the surprise. Sorry.