Friday, July 06, 2007

Rising from the Ashes of Laziness

I have just finished reading the fifth Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, just 5 days shy of the movie's release. This will be the first of the movies that I will have seen after reading the book. I plan on starting the sixth book soon. I rather enjoyed the book. I think each book has gotten better, and I've started to become a little bigger of a Harry Potter fan. What's with that?

My coworker Nick is going on vacation after today, and will be in China for two weeks. My schedule will be a little different during that time, but I like it.

I've given most of my free time lately to reading the book, and thus have barely done any work on Reclamation. This should change though coming up, because I won't be under the same timeline for reading the Harry Potter book (I really wanted to get the book read before the movie).

TISCSOTD: Tim is so cool, that he has been asked to move to Antarctica in order to stop the melting of the ice caps.


Mac Man said...

You just finished the book? Like right now? While you're at work? Gosh, I'm at the wrong company.

And we all know that your wife is to blame for the increasing addiction to Harry Potter and his ilk. She's taking you down with her! Witchcraft is of the devil. Get away while you still can! Wait, marriage is for HOW LONG?

Global warming? Not a problem, I'm on the job!

Joel said...

Hehe, ah, silly people who think Harry Potter is the work of the devil. I should probably stop watching Lord of the Rings and Star Wars too. Dangit! :)