Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ah, Home

I've worked from home a couple days this week, which is most wonderful. I love working from home, and would love to find a job that lets me do that full time. It would be a big perk. That being said, I've for some reason been less likely to blog while working from home. Weird huh.

We had a fun card night on Tuesday, and I got my first win in Star Trek. I now move forward with my stunning record of 1-6. Yeah that's right, I'm good.

I am going to try and get a more labeled Reclamation card printout up in the next couple of days. I did have one other thought though. If battles are won based on conflicts between columns, it might be best to have an odd number of columns (right now there are 4), so if all columns are full, there is less likelihood of a tie (in theory). So I could either increase the rows to 5, or limit them to 3. What do you think? :)

Oh, and of course, Happy Birthday Dave! :) (My brother, for those who don't know.) As always, my present to him will be late. Such a bad brother I am! But alas, better late than never! ;)

1 comment:

Erik said...

I vote for 3 columns if you make the change. This is for several reasons. First, with 5 columns the play area will get too large (because you really have 10 columns). Secondly, it goes along with my thoughts that the content of a deck should be changed to reflect somewhat fewer creatures and more in-combat action cards. Reducing the number of creature slots forces decks to employ a higher percentage of non-creature cards.