Thursday, April 03, 2008

Version 2

I have uploaded to the LoS site the newest version of The Lords of Sargoff. This version is just over 48,000 words, by my count making it approximately 200 novel pages in length. I would still like to add more. I have fixed several wording errors (thanks to everyone who has given input!), as well as plot holes. This doesn't, of course, mean there are no more errors or plot holes (or that the plot holes I've tried to fix are 100% perfectly fixed). If you happen to read it again (or for the first time, depending on who you are), please feel free to send me any comments or suggestions, or criticisms. I'd love to hear them.

Skip the next paragraph if you don't care about the names of characters in the book. :)

There are some names that will likely be changed. This includes the names Inevidens and Vidricks. I have considered renaming Lord Hamrin and/or Lord Arien, as I'm not sure they are "dark" enough names for dark lords. I had been considering renaming Jothan, but that name has grown on me. His father, Nothan, will certainly be renamed. Then I have the issue of having a character named Vylon and one named Vython; the names are rather close, and one of them will likely be changed. Finally is Cymor, who I like the name, but may change the spelling (Symor, Psymor; can also add an e to the end - Cymore, Symore, Psymore). I kind of like Psymore, maybe.

I have accumulated quite a list of link of the days. You get an extra one today because I didn't include one in my last post.

LotD: Flying Saucer House. It's certainly unique.

LotD2: Starfleet Bridge Illustrations. See into the bridge of a wide variety of ships from the Star Trek universe.


DVK said...

LotD2 FTW!

Mac Man said...

I actually really like the name Lord Arien. Gives me kind of a dark queen image, powerful, evil, yet beautiful. I also grew somewhat attached to the name Cymor. It's a bit quirky like him. Psymore doesn't really feel like a name of a creature to me. It looks more like the name of a place or something. Want to go to Mount Psymore?

DVK said...

I like Arien too. Also, spelling it Psymore makes it feel really "scifi-ish", and makes it seem less like an individual's name. Hopefully I'll finish the other chapter's soon - should I start over at chapter 1 with version 2?

Joel said...

Hehe, good calls. Those names shall stay. I've already renamed a couple characters.

You can start wherever you want. :)