Monday, April 28, 2008

Sarah Marshall, Forgotten

I haven't really had a post about movies in a little while. So, here goes - a recap of some recent movies I've seen and a look forward to this year's cinematic offerings. Over the weekend, my wife and I went to see the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall. It was good and funny, though a step below the much funnier and more interesting Knocked Up. That being said, by far, the best new movie I've seen within the past six months, at least, is Juno - while not as uproariously funny as Knocked Up, is still very humorous, more genuine, and better written and acted. It is also quite a bit cleaner, as Knocked Up is one of the biggest fans of the f-word that I've ever seen; Juno is also the only one of these three that does not include someone removing their clothing.

Looking forward, here are nine of the movies that I have interest in that are coming out in 2008, ranked in order (from highest to lowest) of my interest in them. Includes the release date. It is practically guaranteed that I will be seeing at least the first five of these in the theater.

Harry Potter And The Half-blood Prince (11/21)
- Each one has gotten better so far, in my opinion. This will only the third time ever (after Order of the Phoenix and The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe) that I read the book prior to seeing the movie.
The Dark Knight (7/18)
- Batman Begins was an excellent reboot to the Batman franchise (that being said, I believe I've only seen one other Batman movie - Batman Forever). I am very excited to see this one, especially for the Joker.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (5/16)
- While not up to the same level in fantasy as Lord of the Rings, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was an excellently entertaining film, and has me wanting to go back and reread the books.
Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (5/22)
- More Indiana. How can this be a bad thing?
Iron Man (5/2)
- I had never heard of the character of Iron Man before a year or two ago. But the trailers look good.
Wall-E (6/27)
- More from Pixar = Good.
Get Smart (6/20)
- I watched the series a good bit when I was younger.
The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor (8/1)
- While I haven't really seen all of The Mummy Returns, the first movie was great.
The Incredible Hulk (6/13)
- I thought the first Hulk from a few years ago was rather good, but this is a completely fresh and new reboot of the series. Could be better, could be worse.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Joel, hopefully we can see Prince Caspian while we are all in Columbus. You may have to go twice so you can take Megan too. :)
I didn't know you are Amanda are were Sarah's godparents Good verse you picked out!!!
love, Mom