Friday, October 26, 2007

Just Like Old Times

I went into my old job, FLS, to sign the necessary paperwork to allow me to be paid for these 2 weeks of service. It was great to see those people again that I had worked with for 2 1/2 years. I do miss them, but am happy to be here at Priority. I only hope that, when I leave this company, that I have become as good of friends with my coworkers as I did at FLS. That being said, I feel closer to the friends I made at last week's TEC weekend than I ever did to anyone at FLS. I've always believed that friendships built around God are stronger and closer.

Anyways, I have technically worked 5-10 for FLS the last 3 nights, but it's been very much un-busy. I've worked at home, as I will continue to do until I start going it at night sometime next week, and during the day next weekend. I will be working from home this weekend. Last night is our weekly Everquest night, which I originally thought I would have to skip, but due to my excessively low workload, I decided to play anyway. I had one thing come in while I was playing that was incredibly simple, and I managed to multitask and do while playing. It was very exciting. :)

I had posted this picture on Facebook too, but I decided to throw it here as well. This is the Star Wars lamp that my new place of employment had gotten for me. It emits red light and rotates. Neato huh? :) Yay for becoming a bigger dork!

LotD: The Office Collar. Weird. And uhh.. No.


DVK said...

sounds like your basically workin' two jobs for a while? I wish I was rollin' in the dough like you are....

Joel said...

Hehe, most people do, my friend.

(Not really.)

It would be much more exciting if my entire paycheck from FLS was not going directly toward student loans. Darnit! :)

Mac Man said...

Okay, fine, you can keep $0.01 from each paycheck to spend as you want. See, now it IS much more exciting!

Mac Man said...

And about the office collars...I think they're called cubicles. ;-)

A. Bauer said...

I heard a radio ad for FLS today and thought of how you should've been at the reunion....01101010 01100101 01110010 01101011....

Joel said...

I didn't even know FLS had radio ads. :) I was pretty bummed that I couldn't make it. Darn you FLS! And it wasn't even that busy that day. Dangit!