Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dancing Around

Five days ago, I took Megan to see a ballet of sorts - this was my anniversary gift to her. She enjoyed it, which is good. It was not a traditional ballet, but there was lots of funky dancing and it was funny at times, but most importantly, my wife liked it. So it was a success. :)

I have been working on on ASP web page that will take all of the Reclamation card information from a database and spit out all of the cards, so I can then print and cut out for playtesting purposes. Doing it that way makes the cards not look so pretty (though it will still include the card image), but it will greatly speed up making changes. Otherwise, I'd have to add the information for each changed card and export to Photoshop and save it out. So this takes a bit less time. After a bit more playtesting, I may go through and export a new set of updated images.

1 comment:

Mac Man said...

I say pick convenience over looks at this point, especially when things are still kind of in flux. You can always go back and make them pretty in Photoshop once you think you have the game text and rules locked down.

Happy dancing everyone!