Monday, June 16, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Most people reading this already know about my switch at work, but here's a recap for those who don't. For the past few months, I have been doing ASP.NET (website programming), learning a lot. However, last week, I was moved back to "Data Requests", which is what I was doing at FLS before I left to go work at Priority Publications. It is a very database oriented job, which I am liking more and more in comparison with web stuff. That being said, all of our database stuff is in Visual FoxPro - a Microsoft product (that Microsoft purchased from another company) that they are no longer supporting, and is "behind the times." We are now in the process of transitioning everything over to Microsoft SQL Server - a much more up-to-date, and powerful database system, and a technology that experience with is much more valuable than FoxPro. So this will both be good for the company - things will run faster - and good for me, as a bit of good SQL experience will look good on the resume.

So, I am now in the process of taking the programming we had in Fox Pro and rewriting it in SQL Server, so we can fully move into that and away from Fox Pro. The whole transition will take quite a while (at least weeks).

On another home-sweet-home note, I have been accepted to work the next TEC weekend, back on the Support team. I am very excited! Meetings start the last weekend in June.

And now for a small update on my personal projects.

For Reclamation, I have decided to look ahead, making lists of possible card titles for the next couple sets. Some books of the Bible are full of things to use; others... not so much. Leviticus especially will not have a lot (in such cases, multiple books will be combined into one set).

For Lords of Sargoff, I am doing deeper character definitions, following the Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy's suggestion. This includes developing timelines, deeper back stories, and character profiles for each character (more detailed for the more "main" characters). I have about 20-25 characters that I want to develop deeper.

LotD: Beautiful Cloud Image Gallery. The first one looks like a nuclear blast. Neato.


DVK said...

I'm looking forward to the "Numbers" set. Maybe there can be a 'son of' subtitle set like the LotR Bloodlines set... :-)

A. Bauer said...

Leviticus won't be tough....just make about 6,000 sacrifice cards per set....

Joel said...

I might have to skip Song of Solomon. :)

Mac Man said...

Can't wait for the Timothy sets, though it might be awhile!