Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cooproductions and Reclamation

My GoDaddy account has been setup! I am excited, and look forward to getting a chance to work on the site. For now, I have a graphic sitting there at cooproductions.com, as a place holder. I still have to figure out how I'm going to design it, and how I'm going to store the top ten lists (database driven vs. plain text).

I have also been working on a new design for the Reclamation cards. I have done a lot of work on the Hell design; see the Satan card image, and let me know what you think. I went with more of a fire theme. The Heaven cards will probably have a lot of light, like sunlight. And I may do something with parchments or scrolls for the neutral cards. But we shall see. Oh, and the image is bigger than I have previously had for cards. I picked a new font that I thought worked better. The sword icon in the upper right also now designates of that character is a fighter (a non-fighter has a book), so that is no longer written out.

On a side note, after grabbing the image I used for the Satan card, I began to think that it was, in fact, the Balrog from Lord of the Rings. But alas, it looks cool and works (though its supposed to be Satan as a serpent - so the actual card would have a different image, but it works for now).

LotD: The Dangers of a Transformers T-Shirt. Evidently, if a t-shirt represents something that could be dangerous, then it, itself, is too dangerous for the air.


DVK said...

Spiffy card image - I like it. You could check out www.deviantart.com for images too perhaps.

Have you considered white and light blue motif for the Heaven cards? Kind of a 'clear day and cloud' look? Maybe some light rays as highlights? I'll have to read through your latest rules revision, I'm behind the times on this game....

Mac Man said...

I like the new card format and fonts. Let me know when you have a set printed on cardboard. :-)

So, did your free year of domain registration through Microsoft Office Live end, thus prompting the change to GoDaddy? Mine did just recently, so I was wondering if yours did too.

I didn't keep mine, since I only discovered *after* signing up for MOL that you have to use the Windows version of IE to edit. Kinda hard for a Mac guy.

Joel said...

My MOL registration was set to expire in September. I just didn't really like the way things worked with MOL, and hosting is pretty cheap with GoDaddy.