Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Pi Day

Yes, today is March 14th: Pi Day. I wish I could celebrate this day by partaking in a large piece of pie, but alas. Whatever you do today, make sure to do it 3.14159265358979323846 times. I seem to remember my sister (unless it was a brother) having to memorize the first 100 digits of pi in high school. My two thoughts from that are: Wow, that's impressive; and, Why in the world would a teacher make you do that? :)

Megan's cousin will be up for the weekend, which is always fun. I have my first TEC meeting on Sunday - the initial leadership meeting. Thus begins the TEC 71 experience, and my induction into the Wheatie fraternity. Well, maybe not quite like that, but it'll be good fun.

LotD: Pi Day. Schedule your Pi Day celebration, and memorize pi to a trillion digits.


DVK said...

I like to eat Wheaties for breakfast, so you better stay clear!

Joel said...

I don't taste very good. :)

Also, I think you broke some kind of world record, considering I posted that blog entry, and your comment came within like, two minutes. :)

Joel said...

Two minutes might be exaggerating, but gosh darnit, it was speedy.

DVK said...

I gotZ mADd SkillZ YO!

Mac Man said...

Let me know how you like the fraternity of the breakfast cereal. I've applied for membership three times now, but they keep telling me that they don't accept over-the-hill geeks. Apparantly, they changed their policy...

Ba-dum ching!

I'm cruel, I know. Say hi to, you know, everyone!