Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Few Unrelated Tidbits

At some point, I'm considering posting to the Lords of Sargoff page a list of the issues I'm currently dealing with when it comes to plot holes, to see if anyone has thoughts on how a certain thing should happen. I may throw that together over the next couple weeks.

I have purchased plane tickets for going to Ohio in May. I will be there from approximately the 17th - 22nd. It should be good fun. Sadly, my wife is not able to join me, as she doesn't have enough vacation days. But alas.

I am rather looking forward to this weekend - card and computer day on Saturday, and the first full team TEC meeting on Sunday. It'll be pretty much wonderful.

LotD: Life in 2008. An article written in 1968, predicting what life will be like in 2008. A few things I thought were interesting - though it predicts technologies and other changes that are nowhere near being in place (cities encapsulated in domes for climate control, automatically controlled cars that safely drive up to 250 MPH, no physical money, average work day of 4 hours, rocket rides to a hotel in space, the "intelligence pill"), it still refers to the concept of the "housewife" being responsible for cooking, and that "not every family has its private computer." Granted, I wouldn't do any better predicting what life will be like in 2048.

1 comment:

Mac Man said...

Actually, I don't think the physical money prediction was all that far off. I rarely use cash anymore. Almost all stores accept credit cards, my paycheck goes to direct deposit, and I pay all of my bills online. I only stop by a bank every 2-3 months to cash person checks people have given to me or to withdraw money from the ATM for the few times I do pay cash.