Monday, January 24, 2011

TEC, Manuscripts, and Catwoman

This coming Thursday marks the start of the next TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) weekend. This time, I am serving as AC (Adult Coordinator), which is much more front-and-center than I am used to, and a big step out of my comfort zone. But I think it will go well. I am excited and nervous.

I have requested that my wife read the manuscript for The Second Shadow, and assuming that it meets her approval, I will then send out paper manuscripts to some family and friends. Anyone who would like to read it is more than welcome to - I can provide a digital copy, or I can send out a printed copy.

In movie news, it has been reportedly confirmed that Anne Hathaway will play Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises. This is an interesting choice, but one that I must wait to see before passing judgment. Considering that I was leery of Heath Ledger playing the Joker, and that instantly became one of my favorite movie villains, I have faith in the choice. The film's predecessor, The Dark Knight, is my favorite non-Star Wars, non-Lord of the Rings movie, so my excitement for the film will be very high. If this one and The Hobbit are both released in 2012, it could make for a very exciting movie year.

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