Monday, July 21, 2008

Kill The Bat Man

Batman Begins was an excellently entertaining, dark, very well done reboot to the Batman franchise. I have memory of only seeing Batman Forever - with Val Kilmer - which I thought was pretty good, but that - and any pieces of the other movies I've seen - can't hold a candle to what director Christopher Nolan did with Batman Begins. Christian Bale was the perfect choice to play Batman, and all the other pieces of the film fit together nearly perfectly. This was the movie that the franchise deserved.

And then came the sequel, The Dark Knight.

Which, by nearly every aspect, is one of the very best sequels that has ever been produced. It is not only better than its predecessor, and the best film of the year, but to me, it is the best film to hit theaters since Return of the King in December 2003. I am currently in the process of redoing my top movies list, and it debuted at #10. Not too bad. There were only 2 movies that were not from Star Wars or Lord of the Rings that ranked higher. Twenty points goes to anyone who can guess what those are.

[Just to clarify; while I think it is the best movie of the last 5 years, that does not mean it is my favorite - that title goes to Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. What I find the most entertaining and what I find to be the best movie are not necessarily the same thing.]

The story was dark - darker than the first - and the action was great, but The Dark Knight's greatest asset is the late Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker. This Joker is unlike any movie villain to I can remember, and one of the best. He is not a happy Joker, but a dark and menacing figure that steals each scene. There is talk of Ledger's performance earning him a posthumous Oscar nomination, which I most definitely think this performance is worthy of.

So, in short: go see this movie. If you haven't seen Batman Begins, borrow it or rent it, and then go see this movie. There is a definite chance that my wife and I will be making a return viewing.

LotD: Star Trek Images. Just some little teaser poster images from the next Star Trek movie.


DVK said...


I'm glad DK is good, I really want to see this. I have Batman Begins if anyone in the audience needs to borrow it. (I have the first Batman as well, in case you want to see the "first" Joker).

Gina Cooper said...

My two guesses for the movies higher than LOTR and Star Wars are: "Pride and Prejudice" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's"

Joel said...

Gina loses 5 million points. :)

With 401 movies on my list, I'm pretty sure Breakfast at Tiffany's is still guaranteed spot #401. Pride and Prejudice may certainly be in the upper 300's. :)

Mac Man said...

Muppet Christmas Carol is surely in your top 10. If not, your list is flawed (database corruption).

DVK said...

I'm not sure about top 10 - but if the Muppets aren't high on your list it definitely indicates a serious flaw. Maybe top 15 or 20, I'd have to think about it....