Thursday, May 07, 2009

More With Names

Thanks for the replies to my last post. The jury is still out on the fate of the name of Arien. Now today, I have more thoughts on names. Previously, I had posted how I will quite possibly use The Lords of Sargoff as the name of the book series, and thus will have to come up with a new name for the first book. Here's a list of possible names I've come up with. Let me know if any of them sound like a good title, especially for those who have read it. :) Or, of course, any other ideas or thoughts on book titles would be helpful. I have a few that I like more than others, but I'm curious as to what any of you think.

The Light of Fear
The Light of Magic
The Light of Mystery
The Stone of Fear
The Stone of Magic
The Essence of Fear
The Essence of Magic
The Essence of Light
The Light of War
The Essence of Chaos
The Source of Light
The Curse of the Light
The Illumination
The Glorious War
The Beauty of Chaos
The Glorious Chaos
The Second Shadow
The Power of Magic
The Rise of Fear
The Magic of Fear
The Rise of Chaos
The Essence of War
The Power of War
The Malumar
The Second Shadow of the Malumar
The Successor
The Successor of Chaos


DVK said...

I like "The Essence of Light"

Mac Man said...

I liked The Second Shadow of Malumar. But then again, you have to consider:

1. It contains the letters SS in the initials of the title, which brings you back to the Nazi dilemma
2. Malumar is very similar to Malamar in spelling, which according to the Urban Dictionary is a slang term for vicodin.

In short, you're doomed!