Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog Title of Some Sort

So I've gone two weeks without blogging. Ah, dear. And work hasn't even gotten that busy yet. We're still busy, but I'm expecting that October will bring more jumps in workload. Come and go quickly, Mr. Election Day!

Anyway, here are some projects that I'm working on, since I know that you really want to know. You do, don't you?

CCGTracker - An ASP site so my friends and I can track the games we play for our card games. It will also have the ability to randomly create games (which is useful, considering the number of decks that some of us have). We'll be able to see what decks we've played recently and what decks we haven't played in a while, and will see how our decks are doing, and how our decks are doing against certain other types of decks. It could be interesting, anyway. We'll see.

Reclamation Printout Page - Another ASP page. When it's finished, in theory, for playtesting, we'll be able to create a deck list and print out exactly the cards we need (with card design and iamge included). I've gotten some good work on this done, but there is more to do. I have been image searching lately for good images to use for the cards.

Cooproductions - All I really need to do is finish updating my top ten lists. There are several other things I'd like to do with it, but if I wait until everything to be done, it'll be forever. It's already been long enough. I'll get the lists done and then the site will continue to be a work in progress.

The Lords of Sargoff - While I am not currently working on this, I know there are at least a few people currently reading it. If you'd like to read it, please email me (or comment here) and I'll send you the file. (It's a 250 page fantasy novel, for those who may not know.) I am very much looking forward to hearing the response from the readings. I have written the rough draft for the first chapter in book two, and I think it's a pretty neat opening chapter.

In other news, I am now reading The Lost Colony, which is book five of the Artemis Fowl series. There are currently six books in the series. I have definitely enjoyed the series. I am not yet sure what I will be reading next, but I'm sure it will stay in the fantasy realm. Perhaps Eragon or The Chronicles of Narnia. I do plan on soon tackling The Wheel of Time, but that is a much bigger undertaking, and I may read a few of the small, faster series first.

1 comment:

DVK said...

Glad you're still alive and kickin'! A thought for your CCG tracker site: a way to indicate a 'real' game or a 'test game' (first deck build, trying out mutually crazy ideas 'just for the heck of it', etc)?

P.S. get any SWCCG decks built yet? :-D