Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Point

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb."
--Psalm 139:13

God has a purpose for my life. He made me, and has molded me into who I am today. But who is that? I'm not quite sure yet.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in the wrong career field. Computers are great fun, but I'm not always sure whether I'm really benefiting anyone by doing what I do. Was it part of God's amazing plan for my life that I sit at this cubicle desk, creating phone lists and working on databases? I also know that's God's plan for me may not actually be my occupation. God may be using me in other ways I haven't even thought of yet. The possibilities are infinite.

I like to write, and I think I may actually have some skill at it. I started writing poetry many years ago (somewhere in the mid 1990's, I believe). I've continued writing ever since. I've noticed that the things I've written have gotten smoother and more mature. A few years ago, I started writing song parodies (secular songs rewritten with Christian lyrics). Sometime in 2004, I took my first crack at writing a short story, and I have written a few short stories since then. (A good bit of the things I've written are available at the Cooproductions website.)

Is writing my true purpose in life? Who knows. Well, God does. But I don't. I quite often pray that God will lead me in His direction, wherever that takes me. If that takes me to more of a writing career than one in IT, so be it. If my purpose is in a cubicle, so be it. God's will for my life is so much more important than my own desires I have for myself.

God's will be done in my life, I pray. Amen.

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