- I strongly believe that the most important part of a cake is the frosting.
- I am not a germophobe. I'll drink from someone else's glass and not worry for a moment. Germs happen.
- I may not seem like one, but I'm a hugger. My shyness limits this, but if anyone wants a hug, my arms are open.
- I'm not a big fan of gum. To me, it loses its flavor within five minutes, then you are just chewing a piece of rubber.
- My stomach doesn't care what time of day it is. I like breakfast foods for lunch and supper, and normal meal foods for breakfast. This includes dessert. Food is food.
- The sight of vomit makes me queasy.
- I have a natural frown. This sometimes causes people to think I'm sad or angry when I'm not. And I'm almost always not.
- I used to firmly believe that I would never get married. I was going to have four cats. Instead, I now have a wife and a dog. If my wife would allow it, I would likely get a good sized snake, and a tarantula.
- When I, uh, "pass gas," I always say "Excuse me." Even if no one else is around.
- I have weird issues with social anxiety. Sometimes, when I need to go talk to someone at work, or make a phone call, I sit for several minutes readying myself for the encounter. If it's a phone call, I sometimes write up what I'm going to say first, so I can read it when I call.
- Back in the day, I seriously considered going to college for an English degree instead of computers. Now I sometimes wonder if that would have been the better choice.
- I would probably go back to school for a Masters if it wasn't so ridiculously expensive, and if I did, I think I'd be pretty excited about school.
- Due to being pigeon-toed, when I was younger, I would often trip over my own feet. It took quite a bit of conscious practice on how I walked to make that stop happening.
- I can't put my tongue into the normal U-shape that most people can. I can, however, flip my tongue upside-down. So that's something.
- I have trouble reading a book while there is talking around me. This includes the TV. It also affects me when I'm trying to concentrate on a project at work.
- I don't like coffee or tea, though I am slowly warming up to some cappuccino and mocha flavors.
- I'm not really a fan of eating eggs. Ketchup helps.
- If it wasn't highly dangerous and illegal, I think it would be great fun to be in a high speed police chase.
- To me, age is just a number. It had no impact on me to turn 30. It won't bother me to turn 40 or 50, and so on. I'm not afraid to get old. I don't believe that I will be having a mid-life crisis.
- I have a non-completely-serious belief that people who are close to me have some extra protection in life, as nothing that catastrophically terrible has ever happened to someone close to me, and no one that close to me has ever died. If I were to rank the saddest I've ever been about the death of someone in my life, the top two would be cats.
- I like change. This is referring to when some aspect of life changes, not the money you find between the couch cushions (though that is good too). Before getting married, I would rearrange my room on a fairly regular basis, putting furniture sometimes in a non-conventional setup (TV in the closet). Variety is good.
- When I was young, I hated mowing the lawn, and thought I would likely buy a condo someday instead of house, so I wouldn't have to deal with yard work. I even joked about instead buying a house, but covering the yard with artificial turf. Now I'm super excited for a house with a yard, and excited to buy a lawn mower.
- I sometimes think I would be a pretty good voice actor. I do a decent imitation of Smeagol, and Heath Ledger's Joker (the laugh, at least). And other odd voices of my own creation.
- I'm optimist. Some people would say that I'm naively optimistic. But I just don't think life is really ever as bad as we think it is. I think humans like to overreact and feel bad for themselves. Plus, I believe that God is in control of every situation, and thus, things are never hopeless.
- I only get my hair cut once every few months, when I'm in danger of having hair that is classified as a mullet. I just don't care enough about such things to do it more than that. Of course, my wife will sometimes tell me that she thinks the time has come, and then I go in.
Awesome list Joel. I feel like I know you so much better now :)
I think I figured out how we ended up friends.
Also: #15. I *always* end up listening. So glad for all the white noise at work...
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