Friday, September 01, 2006

Why Elections Suck

Well, elections don't suck, but at my company, this time of year does. We'll basically be giving up our entire month of October (and the first week of November), due to the higher level of work created by the upcoming election. A lot of 16 hour days. At work on weekends. That in itself isn't the main reason why elections suck this year. Earlier, I had applied to work a TEC weekend - Teens Encounter Christ. I found out that I was accepted to work it. And my good friend Tim is on it as well, both on the Support team. Which would be great fun. However, that weekend is in October, and evidently it is impossible for me to go to it. FLS (my company) has a vacation lock on this time period, so no one can go anywhere. Fortunately, TEC weekends happen every 3 months, so there will be another in January, but I was really excited for this one. But alas, thus is life I suppose.

However much I like my company and my job, I do look forward to working for a company that I don't have to sacrifice a month of my life each year. That's really obnoxious and evil. :)


Gina Cooper said...

Sorry Joel. Maybe in January you and Megan could work together!

Anonymous said...

Cross your fingers, the world may not be able to survive both of us at one TEC. I feel sorry for the kids already! :-)