Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Boring Update

Well, I haven't blogged for twenty days. What's with that? Am I being a lazy slacker? Well, yeah, pretty much. Here are some boring, uninteresting, why-would-you-want-to-know tidbits about life and stuff.

My friends and I have starting playing the Star Wars: Customizable Card Game that we played more before playing Lord of the Rings. I am going through all the cards and compiling a list of cards that I need, and I hope to go online and do some massive trading (both for Wars and for Rings). I have several Wars decks planned. I now have 15 - yes, fifteen - Lord of the Rings decks. They are wonderfully great fun. I am still losing though to my friend Tom, who has, get this... 28. Twenty-eight Rings decks. Holy cow.

I am finally starting to read the Purpose Driven Life, and I am somewhere around day 10. It is quite good. Our Bible study recently wrapped up the book Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli, which was also good. Before that we read a book titled The Marketing of Evil. In other book news, I have started reading The Lord of the Rings books again. A few years ago, I had read Fellowship and half of Two Towers (and, of course, The Hobbit). But I never completed the trilogy. It's about dang time, eh? I am starting over with Fellowship. After this, I plan to either read the Left Behind prequels, or continue with the Harry Potter books (I have read the first two). Megan and I also may read The Five Love Languages together.

On the flip side of reading, I have done more story writing recently. I wrote a 2,000 word short story called Superhero, and I have just completed the rough draft on what is, by far, my longest story to date. It is called The Cage, and is currently over 16,000 words - 32 1/2 single-spaced pages in Microsoft Word. I'm hoping to expand it to at least 50 pages. The other stories I've written are The Crumbling, The Parachute, and The Great Day. I also wrote a few chapters in a story called The Storm of War, and little tidbits here and there of others. I'm not sure what will be done with them, but it is at least a fun hobby.

We are starting to try and eat a little healthier and exercise some, which is probably a good thing. I wouldn't mind losing some more weight. I am still about 25 pounds less than when I moved back to Minnesota, but I could probably stand to lose a bit more.

We have watched a few movies lately, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Never Been Kissed, and Fried Green Tomatoes. I'll let you guess who chose what. We alternate choices of movies, and I believe that viewings of Braveheart and Gladiator are soon on the horizon. On the flip side, I feel it is likely that I will be soon watching Titanic. Ah, the things we do for our wives.

I sent in a BBlooper that was posted to BBspot:
Excited huh? Not really, but you know.

I can't believe you've read this far. Are you bored? Well worry not, I am done. :)

1 comment:

Gina Cooper said...

What about pride and prejudice? You have to watch that :)