Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I really have nothing interesting to blog about, but I decided to prove to the world that I'm not dead.

I realized at some point that I had left off one of my favorite sports moments from my last entry. That would be The Catch II, during a 1998 playoff game between the 49ers and the Packers. While the 49ers should have never had a chance for that play, being that Jerry Rice fumbled the ball earlier on the drive, but he was called down before the fumble, and at that point, there was no instant replay. But, alas, it ended up being an exciting win.

Anywho, I have been working a bit more on the novel Queen of Men, increasing it by about 12,000 words since November. It now sits at 59594. Still a way to go. That being said, I think I have improved my writing since The Second Shadow, and feel like this book is already more publishable than the last one. The writing is clearer and crisper, and the story is more developed. The initial story outline was much more detailed. Since finishing the rough draft, I have only added one more chapter, and I just barely did that - yesterday, in fact. It now has 42 chapters. It'll need more beef, more details, and perhaps a few more chapters to get to an acceptable length. I sometimes consider releasing The Second Shadow on Kindle or wherever for free, just to get my name out there, but I'm not sure how successful that would be.