Friday, October 15, 2010


Here's one of my Life Update blog posts, as its been a while since I've blogged. I'm blogging now even though I have nothing interesting to say, but I have to keep up the visage that I have a life.
  1. A couple months back, I read Wizard's First Rule, the first book in the Sword of Truth fantasy series by Terry Goodkind. It was the first book read by our very exclusing Cooper Book Club. I rather enjoyed the book, and it would likely be very high on my (admittedly short) list of favorite books. Since then I've read Ender's Game and The Children of Hurin, and then recently finished up Gardens of the Moon. Our next book is The Way of Kings. I also plan on re-reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows before the first movie comes out in November.
  2. Election season at work is in full swing. I have been working 11-13 hour days. Overall, this election doesn't seem as crazy as past elections, which is nice. That being said, I'm still looking forward to it being over with (18 days left).
  3. My wife and I have been discussing a vacation next year, and we are pretty sure we would like to go on another cruise, probably an Alaskan one. It should be pretty fun.
  4. This one is about Reclamation, my card game, so if you don't care about that, feel free to skip it. :) Anyway, a few years ago I had gone through the book of Genesis and came up with a set's worth of cards for it (300+ cards) from the book, and have used those cards to make the decks from which the game has been playtested. Recently, I decided to create a more extensive list of card names, a Master list, from which all future cards and sets could be pulled from. So I have set myself this project: go through the entire Bible and create a massive list of potential card names. So I started with Genesis again and created a much more extensive list, and Genesis itself had over 1900 card titles. I've also now gone through the entire New Testament, and along with Genesis, have over 9000 card titles. So, that is a little crazy, but when it's done, I will have quite a list from which to take card titles from.
  5. I currently have a few people reading through The Second Shadow, my fantasy novel, and I've taken a little break from working on it while I'm waiting for their feedback. I know I will be getting at least 2 well-critiqued returns, so I am excited to get those and see where I can make improvements to the book. Authonomy update: in August, the book was at #243, and is currently at #174. Progress is good. On a side note, I did something the other day that I haven't done in a couple years - I wrote short story. It's only a couple pages long and currently has no title. I'll probably post it here after I do some more editing.