Thursday, May 17, 2007

Games and Aging

Our softball game last night was canceled because the electricity at the fields was not working. We had the late game, and thus we would have been playing in the dark. What's with that? Ah well. Instead, I went to a friend's house and played some games and celebrated Mac Man's birthday. It was a joyous occasion filled with grilling out, snacks, cake, games, and ping pong. Ah, good times were had.

And now my quarter-century mark is quickly approaching. Crazy stuff. Soon I'll be able to rent cars with no problem and save a few bucks on car insurance. Yehaw!

Anywho, I am currently going through and choosing the exact Bible verse text to use for each Reclamation card. It's all very exciting. :)


Mac Man said...

Which translation are you using? The Message bible would be cool, although perhaps a little verbose.

Joel said...

Currently I'm using NIV, but I'm not really sure what would be best. I'll have to look through some of the different translations.

Maybe I can find a version that is written in Klingon.

Dave said...

You need to do a Greek or Hebrew version for those hard core Redemption Collectors.

Joel said...

There ya go. Just like the Lord of the Rings game released some cards printed in Elvish script, I'll put out some in Greek or Hebrew. That'd be neato. :)