For those who care about my Reclamation card game: I have no created a printout page for the Genesis set, for playtesting purposes. I will be working on the images (right now they all have a 'No Image' placeholder, but all I need to do is upload the image for a card and the programming will use it). So I will be working on the images. However, the cards should work for playtesting purposes, and should print out okay. In theory.
LotD: Melon Mouth.
Hello! :)
Hi there. :)
Great couch!!
Did you have a good Valentine's Day? Did you go out to eat? Where?
Dad and I are going out tonight as its our anniversary; we'll go to either the Texas Steak House or Outback. And have salmon!! OUr favorite.
love you lots, Mom
Ah the joys of home furnishings. Regina strong-armed me into a chair just a little while back. Mom helped her too..
I'll have to check out the game too. Will you be printing them for the play test some time?
It looks like the front right (when looking at it) leg is turned. Shame on you!
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