Wednesday, December 03, 2008


It has finally happened.

My updated website is now up and running. I know you've been excited for it for a while, of course. :) So, if you're bored, head over to and check it out. I now have a bit more of my writing online - mainly a few other stories I have written (or only started), that I figured I'd post. I've also updated my top ten lists, though I only have 7 lists posted. More might be coming, I'm not sure yet. This blog is also now imbedded into a page on the site, so you can view it as normal, or on the website. Or on Facebook, of course. Whatever brings you joy.

While I have uploaded the site, I still have work to do on it, including adding a random link feature (whenever I see something online that I find interesting, or strange, or funny, I will add the link to my random link database). It'll be a diversion for if you're bored.

I'm happy to have it hosted on GoDaddy, where I can more freely use ASP, which will be helpful when working more on the Reclamation card game, and other such things.

Let me know if you see anything on the site that doesn't look right.

LotD: Cooproductions. Of course.

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