Friday, August 31, 2007

Temporary Unemployment

Ah, home. I have recently gotten home from my last day of employment at FLS. Technically, I'm working the last two hours from home, and will be officially off the clock and out the employee door in nineteen minutes.

I said good-bye to lots of people and got a few hugs, and was taken out to Chipotle for lunch. They also had birthday ice cream cake today. Ah, yummy.

It was hard to leave, because this place has been such a big part of my life for two and a half years, and I've made some very good friends there. I'm leaving on excellent terms with everyone. But alas, you must move on sometimes. Now I will enjoy my weekend of unemployment - the calm in the storm, or whatever you can call it. On Tuesday I start my next adventure. Hopefully it is all good. :)

I am continuing to work on my Lords of Sargoff story. One time, I sat down and starting typing up a few lines that I knew I wanted to have later in the story. Sooner or later, those three lines turned into five pages. Ah, it is good times when the creative juices are flowing. The chapter I've previously posted has been altered and moved to chapter two, to allow for less divulging of plot points, and also allow for a nifty shorter chapter one. I may post that new chapter sometime soon.


Jen said...

I think it's funny that you're using your last minutes on the clock at your old job to blog. :)

Joel said...

Hehe, that is an odd irony, isn't it? :)

Mac Man said...

And with one minute left on the clock, he gets fired! ;-)

Joel said...