Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Increasing the Dork-to-Non-dork Brain Cell Ratio

I enjoy being a dork, a geek, and a nerd. This phenomenom has been well documented in previous blog entries. One of the other dorky hobbies that I've developed over the years (this started back in high school) is making dream cards. This hobby of excessive geekiness involved making up my own cards for some of the card games I play. I've done this for both the Lord of the Rings: Trading Card Game and the Star Wars: Customizable Card Game.

Now, here's one thing I'm certain of. The only reason you're going to continue reading this entry is because you know me somehow (you are most likely either my sister-in-law, my mother, or a brother). The first paragraph doesn't offer a lot when it comes to hooking the reader. Dream cards? Who the heck cares? But I am semi-bored at work and haven't written in the blog for a while, so this is the topic I came up with. :)

Most of the dream cards I've created have been for Star Wars, but I have done Rings as well. I have made cards both from the world that the game is made from (different versions of Luke or Vader or Aragorn or Saruman, for example). I have intertwined them (making Star Wars versions of Rings characters and vice versa). I have created dream cards from other places outside the game's universe (making cards of myself or my friends, maybe even some relatives). These cards will (most likely) never see gameplay, but they are fun to make anyway. Sometime they are just words in an Excel file or a notebook, other times I get more ambitious and whip out Photoshop and make the cards graphical, though of course they never look as good as the real cards.

I have also tried making my own game before. A while ago, I made rules for a Matrix card game (see image - the card image was never finished, as evident in the roughness of the border of Agent Smith's picture). More recently, I have made rules for a card game based on the Bible, even though there already is one (Redemption). This game involves one player being good (Heaven) and one player being evil (Hell), and they are battling over one person's soul. The depressing thing, of course, is that the Hell player could win. :(

This will never see gameplay of course, but it is fun anyway. And besides, doing dorky things like this allows for me to fill my blog with dorky information and waste the time of some people. Lucky you! Haha!

Anyway, over and out.


Gina Cooper said...

You never mentioned dream cards when you lived here. They sound cool. Can you do one for Jenna? Make her like an uruk-hai or something? Just kidding!! I love the Agent Smith and the comment line was the best.
Your matrix idea is good!! Erik and I have talked about making a game but we've never actually done it. You should submit it to a game company. Erik and I will test it for you :) :).

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, assume, and you assume wrong. I am neither a mother, brother, or sister-in-law. I am, however, now related to you, as weird as that is. Thanks Megan and Tom!

I like the idea of a fierce, damage + 1 Jenna. Is she bigger than Gina yet?

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to mention 2 things about the Agent Smith card.

1. Recycle Bin - Come on, are you sponsored by Bill Gates? Trash Can forever!

2. The comment as a programming comment is a cool idea, but you have your c-style comment beginning and end reversed. /* Like this */